Sunday, January 10, 2010


Okay, I admit, A lot of the times I wake up and think that I'm no good to anyone and my life is worthless, so why don't I just end it? But deep down inside I know that's not true. That's not true for anyone in this fucking world. Everyone always cares about someone else, whether they admit it or not.

The point is, suicide is not the answer. People will miss and never forget that they chose to end their own life for a stupid fucking reason. Life goes on. No matter what. Things can be pretty depressing, like me losing my friend from Brazil, Ronaldo. But somehow I deal, knowing that I have my whole life ahead of me, and things will get better.

Now, I need SOMEONE to know,(yes you, Sophie) that I would give my life up to get her out of Brazil to live here in the US, and that's the truth, and that dying before you're 40 is like wasting your entire FUCKING life. end of story. 

I will post about better things soon. off.

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