Thursday, April 15, 2010

Called out... WTF!?

My grade counselor pulled me out of class and talked to me about "where I stand." Here is the conversation and what I was thinking is in italics.

"I think you're just confused."
No, leave me alone.
"You are too young to make a decision like that,"
Three words. Go. Fuck. Yourself.

and blah blah blah.

God dammit, I know how I feel, You're not going to talk me out of it! Now FUCK OFF!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Strange week so far.

When I walked in to school on monday, I got a lot of glares from people. Then a group of like 20 people picked me up while cheering.

Apparently I am their hero.

Why? They are all gay/bisexual. I gave them the courage to come out.

I am now their leader, and this is our theme song. I don't know why.

I had to give another speech today. Half of the room booed, but all the speech was was

"Hey, Aren't we all a little gay sometimes?"
Our little group also has a section in the school yearbook. I am going to be interviewed for it. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010


Now, before you go on and say "OMG, you just insulted yourself!" listen to what I'm saying.

Americans... they think that if you are different, that they have to treat you like youre something vile and disgusting. Especially teenagers.  They do this the most to bisexuals and gays.

Like today, one of my friends  said loudly, "BUT YOU'RE GAY!" in the lunch room, and everyone gasped and stared like I was something disgusting.

But then I replied "Not completely. I like girls and boys, but boys a little more." It got even worse.

I then gave a speech that went something like this.

"What is it... with Americans, that Gays... and people who swing both ways can not be accepted!? Why can't you all learn to accept that we're all different, and not set to like the same things!? 
I am not afraid to say that I, myself, do go both ways, and you all act like I'm fucking disgusting!? Until you all learn to accept that, prepare to see the side of me that you DO NOT want to see..."

They shut up.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Preto e orquídeas roxas só vai crescer aqui...

Today is the day my late friend, Renaldo was born. I have written a poem for him.

Every day we seem
to take our life for granted
but at any second,
it could be taken away
 when we least expect it
even when we are not dead
we could be dead inside
lost or crazy
but we try not to think
about those horrid things
life is a luxury
we should live it to the fullest
even when it is cut short
andd when we don't deserve to die
some tactless people
will want to take it
Eu sinto saudade de você
Meu Doce


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I Have been remixing some Garbage songs! They are Parade (flang Remix) and Androgyny (Phone Remix.) Check them out! :D

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tenchu Z

I just wanted to say that this game is GREAT. The whole series is fucking GREAT. anyone with an xbox 360 should check it out, but the series is mostly on PlayStation.


Okay, I admit, A lot of the times I wake up and think that I'm no good to anyone and my life is worthless, so why don't I just end it? But deep down inside I know that's not true. That's not true for anyone in this fucking world. Everyone always cares about someone else, whether they admit it or not.

The point is, suicide is not the answer. People will miss and never forget that they chose to end their own life for a stupid fucking reason. Life goes on. No matter what. Things can be pretty depressing, like me losing my friend from Brazil, Ronaldo. But somehow I deal, knowing that I have my whole life ahead of me, and things will get better.

Now, I need SOMEONE to know,(yes you, Sophie) that I would give my life up to get her out of Brazil to live here in the US, and that's the truth, and that dying before you're 40 is like wasting your entire FUCKING life. end of story. 

I will post about better things soon. off.